Other Regional Plans & Documents
NOAA Fisheries prepared the Oregon coastal coho recovery plan: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/west-coast/endangered-species-conservation/oregon-coast-coho-salmon. See 6.3.2 Strategies and Actions for the Mid-Coast Stratum:
ODFW’s Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/fish/CRP/coastal_coho_conservation_plan.asp
ODFW: Oregon Conservation Strategy: https://www.oregonconservationstrategy.org/ecoregion/coast-range/
MCWC: Coho Business Plan Strategic Action Plans: SILETZ COHO BUSINESS PLAN (in progress; MCWC with federal, state and tribal partners): http://www.midcoastwatersheds.org/siletzcbp
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Mid-Coast Agricultural Water Quality Management Area Plan
Department of Environmental Quality: Chapter 340, Division 41: Water Quality Standards: Beneficial Uses, Policies, and Criteria for Oregon