Partnership Meetings
22 October, Tour 9:30-11 am and Meeting 11:50 am-3:00 pm Lincoln City's City Council Chambers
Meeting agenda, Tour agenda, Reasons to participate, 2018 Charter, Proposed Charter updates, Explanation of proposed Charter changes, Consensus decision making primer, Work plan guide, Bundled actions, Partnership support flowchart, Smartsheet workspace documentation, Leads and participants table, Prioritization process and results, Implementation gaps table, Thinking ahead questions, Meeting presentation, One Water Security presentation, One Water 1-pager, Lincoln County Water Systems Alliance introduction, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
29 May, Tour 12:30-4 pm and Meeting 4:45-8:00 pm Siletz Community Health Clinic
Meeting agenda, Tour agenda, Reasons to participate, Partner reimbursement form, Consensus decision making primer, Proposed Charter updates (tracked changes), Proposed Charter updates (clean), Explanation of proposed Charter updates, Preliminary Water Action Plan scores, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
16 November, Tour 9-11 am and Meeting 12-3:30 pm Lincoln City's City Council Chambers and remote
Agenda, Tour information, Meeting intro presentation, Water reuse presentation, Yachats Drinking Water Protection Plan presentation, Upcoming funding opportunities, Preliminary prioritization scoring, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
14 June, 12-3 pm Shilo Inn, Newport
Partnership Meeting PowerPoint presentation, Seal Rock Water District AMI presentation, Mid-Coast Water presentation,
Climate change and water presentation, ARPA-eligible project types, Meeting notes
11 May, 9-11:30am Remote
Webinar Recording, Powerpoint presentation, Agenda, List of Attendees, Meeting Chatbox Comments, Meeting Notes
28 September, 10-11:30am Remote
Webinar recording, Powerpoint presentation, List of Attendees, Questions at webinar
*Post meeting survey for partners to submit feedback on the plan closed October 8th
Compiled results of survey and Integrated Water Resource Plan Development Consulting Team response to survey comments
May 2021
Webinar recording (note: the webinar was interrupted, thus the recording is in two segments:
Powerpoint presentation, List of Attendees
March 2021
Webinar recording, Powerpoint presentation, List of Attendees
29 September, 9-10am Remote
9 January, 4-7:15pm, Toledo Fire Hall
19 September, 4-8pm, Siletz Tribal Community Center
23 April, 4-8pm, Side Door Cafe, Gleneden Beach
Agenda | Seal Rock Water District | Big Creek Dams | Water Quality Challenges | Community Forest Initiative | In-stream Ecology
30 October, 4-8pm, Yachats Commons
Agenda | Notes | InStream Work Group | Municipal and Special District Work Group | Water Rights | Work Plan
30 May, 4-8pm, Best Western Agate Beach Inn, Newport
22 February, 4-8pm, Best Western Agate Beach Inn, Newport
Agenda | Notes | Handouts | Presentations
14 November, 4-7:30pm, Center for Health Education, Newport
Agenda | Notes | Presentations
8 August, 4-7:30pm, Center for Health Education, Newport
Agenda | Notes | Presentations | ODFW
31 May, 4-7:00pm, Center for Health Education, Newport
Agenda | Notes | Handouts | Presentation
29 March, 4-7:00pm, Rogue Brewers on the Bay, Newport
Agenda | Notes | Handouts | Presentation | OWRD Presentation
25 January, 4-7:00pm, Rogue Brewers on the Bay, Newport
Agenda | Notes | Handouts | Presentation
30 November, 4-7:00pm, Center for Health Education, Newport
Agenda | Notes | Handouts | Presentation
29 September, 4-6:30pm, Newport City Council Chambers
Agenda | Notes | Presentation
Coordinating Committee Meetings
30 September, 10:30-11:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
21 August, 1-2 pm, Remote
Agenda | Notes
29 July, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
26 June, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
14 May, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
15 April, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
19 March, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
13 March, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
27 February, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
20 February, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
1 February, 10-11:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
24 January, 10-11:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
3 January, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
29 November, 12:30-2:00 pm, Remote
Agenda | Notes
8 November, 12:30-2:00 pm, Remote
Agenda | Notes
25 September, 8:30-10:00 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
22 August, 9-10:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
24 July, 10-11:30 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
28 June, 10-11 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
5 June, 9-10 am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
2 May, 10-11am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
7 April, 10-11am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
12 May, 10-11am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
14 April, 10-11am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
10 March, 10-11am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
10 February, 10-11am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
13 January, 10-11am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
29 December, 9-10am, Remote
17 November, 1-2pm, Remote
14 October, 9-10am, Remote
9 September, 9-10am, Remote
12 August, 9-10am, Remote
8 July, 9-10am, Remote
* From January 2021 - June 2021 these meetings were facilitated by the facilitation/plan writing consulting team & they did not produce meeting summaries/notes
13 May, 9-10am, Remote
8 April, 9-10am, Remote
11 March, 9-10am, Remote
11 February, 9-10am, Remote
14 January, 9-10am, Remote
10 December, 9-10am, Remote
Agenda | Notes
12 November, 9-10am, Remote
8 October, 9-10am, Remote
13 August, 9-10:05am, Remote
Agenda | Notes | Powerpoint
21 July, 1-2pm, Remote
Agenda | Notes | Meeting Documents
11 June, 9-10am, Remote
14 May, 9-10:30am, Remote
9 April, 9-10am, Remote
31 March, 11am-Noon, Remote
19 February, 9-11am, Seal Rock Water District
12 December 9-11am, Seal Rock Water District
14 November, 9-11am, Conference Call
10 October, 9-11am, Conference Call
17 September, 1-3pm, Seal Rock Water District
15 July, 1-4pm, Hatfield Marine Science Center
7 May, 10am-Noon, Conference Call
2 April, 9-Noon, Hatfield Marine Science Center
5 March, 10am-Noon, Conference
5 February, 9-Noon, Hatfield Marine Science Center
8 January, 10am-Noon, Conference Call
20 December, 1-3pm, Conference Call
2 November, 9-11am, Conference Call
19 October, 9-11am, Conference Call
27 September, 9-Noon, Hatfield MSC
10 August, 9-Noon, Hatfield MSC
13 July, 9-Noon, Conference Call
15 June, 9-11am, Conference Call
18 May, 9-Noon, Newport City Hall
6 April, 9-11am, Conference Call
9 March, 9-11am, Conference Call
9 February, 9-Noon, Newport City Hall
19 January, 9-Noon, Conference Call
15 December, 1-4pm, Newport Recreation Center
11 October, 1-4pm, Newport City Hall
20 September, 2-4pm, Conference Call
23 August, 1-4:30pm, Newport City Hall
21 July, 9-Noon, Newport Recreation Center
Agenda | Notes
19 May, 9-Noon, Newport Recreation Center
14 April, 9-Noon, Newport Recreation Center
10 March, 9-Noon, Newport Recreation Center
10 February, 9-Noon, Newport Recreation Center
13 January, 9-Noon, Newport Recreation Center
Working Group Meetings
12 November, 9:00-10:00 am remote
Agenda, Webinar recording, Meeting notes, Helm and Owens Water Package Request Letter, Water Package outline, Water Package presentation
10 September, 9-9:30 am remote
Agenda, Webinar recording, Meeting notes
13 August, 9-10:30 am remote
Agenda, Webinar recording, Meeting notes, Draft Early Implementation Work Plan
9 July, 9-10:30 am remote
Agenda, Webinar recording, Meeting notes
11 June, 9-10:30 am remote
Agenda, Webinar recording, Meeting notes, Lead and Participants spreadsheet, Bundled actions, Implementation gaps
9 April, 9-10:30 am remote
Agenda, Webinar recording, Meeting notes, Updated Lead and Participants spreadsheet, TMDLs update from David Waltz
12 March, 9-10:30 am remote
Agenda, Leads and participants for prioritized actions, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
13 February, 9-10:30 am Seal Rock Water District Office and remote
Agenda, Preliminary Water Action Plan scores from January 9, Partnership support flowchart, Project tracking database research, Implementation guide examples, Lead and participating entities for prioritized actions, Video explaining work plan ideas, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
9 January, 9-10:30 am Remote
Agenda, Work Plan example, Preliminary Water Action Plan scores from December, Alternative work plan format idea, Meeting notes, Webinar recording, Updated preliminary Water Action Plan scores from January 9 meeting, Alternative work plan concept
12 December, 9-11 am Seal Rock Water District Office and remote
Agenda, Preliminary prioritization scoring, Work Plan presentation slides, Work Plan example, Video explaining Work Plans, Proposed Charter updates (clean), Proposed Charter updates (tracked changes), Meeting notes, Webinar recording, Updated preliminary scoring
31 October, 9-11 am Remote
Agenda, Remaining Imperatives scoresheet, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
10 October, 9-11 am Seal Rock Water District Office and remote
Agenda, Imperatives 5 and 3 scoresheet, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
12 September, 9-11 am Seal Rock Water District Office and remote
Agenda, Imperatives 4 and 5 scoresheet, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
8 August, 9-11 am Seal Rock Water District Office and remote
Agenda, Imperatives 6 and 8 scoresheet, Criteria descriptions, Imperative tables from Water Action Plan, Appendix D from Water Action Plan, Projects spreadsheet, Meeting notes, Webinar recording
11 July, 9-10:30 am Seal Rock Water District Office and remote
Agenda, Meeting notes, Presentation, Webinar recording
9 May, 9-11 am Seal Rock Water District Office and remote
Webinar recording, PowerPoint presentation, Agenda, Meeting notes
11 April, 9-11am Seal Rock Water District Office and Remote
Webinar recording, PowerPoint presentation, Meeting notes
Prioritization approach ideas, Summary of input on prioritization approaches and criteria, Project data collection form, Charter update ideas